Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Expanded 5 of 9 Top Tips for Finding New Customers - Back to Basics

Go back to basics. Put up flyers up in local shops. Distribute leaflets and provide introductory offers. A direct mail campaign or an email marketing campaign can also be an effective way to reach new prospects; be sure to observe data protection rules if you go down this path.

Getting Back to Basics are a great way to start and the best thing now is it is not as expensive to do these things as they were 10-15 years ago. I use the term 'expensive' quite loosely as it may not apply to all the below marketing strategies but previously when ordering marketing materials you had to buy in bulk with minimum orders of 500-1000 in the majority of cases.

The following article covers effective offline marketing ideas that are still very much effectively is used correctly - I have provided some additional comments and suggestions in each section to expand a little further for you.

Most of us believe that these days, digital marketing is the only way to get results. While this may be true for a specific target market, some of the best marketing ideas happen offline. The best marketing strategies are those that combine both online and offline ideas seamlessly, in one complete package.
If you haven’t been putting much effort into your offline marketing tactics, then it’s time that you give your start-up a boost with the following tips. Inspiration has always been within your reach, you just need to know where to look.

1. Get creative with your business cards

Investing in well made business cards is one of the most effective ways to get your business out there. Set your brand apart by choosing a unique design that reflects your brand values and creativity. Always ensure that everyone who is anyone in your company has their own to give away, because you never know when they’ll need to share your business details with a prospective client.
Quick tips to make your business cards stand out:
  • Use colored cardboard instead of the usual white
  • Change the orientation from landscape to portrait
Business cards are great for networking......when I say networking I am talking about general day to day conversations you have with your target market or attending events related to your niche or where you would find your ideal customer.

Whilst business cards are important, the quality of your business cards are equally important also. Some cheaper printing companies offer templates, however, there is nothing worse than receiving a business card that is identical to someone else (only with the details changed) trust me this has happened.

I am a fan off business cards printed by the paper quality is amazing which in itself stands out and the designs are different and unique also - it's even better if you can get business cards designed specifically for your business and have them printed.

2. Make the most out of your printed marketing material

Another way to get your brand message out to your target market is to give away printed marketing material. Flyer printing may seem like an old tactic, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t get results. Go the extra mile and innovate beyond the standard template. There are a lot of creative ways you can get your target market’s attention using flyers and pamphlets, so make sure yours are practical for reading, keeping, and saving.
Quick tips to make flyers and pamphlets worth keeping:
  • Print out informative infographics and turn those into flyers
  • Add discount coupons at the bottom of your flyers
There is such a massive range of 'printing material' available now it is sometimes easy to get lost in all of it. 

This article is spot on in what it's saying about innovating beyond standard templates but this in itself is a topic I will cover later for you. For now is a a quick break down on the types and expense level (including design costs)

Brochures - $$$$$

These can be things like booklets of any size or shape or the folders with information sheets/leaflets in it. These take slightly longer to design and will cost a little extra to print also. The folders style of marketing material is great if you need to tailor specific information to different clients and you can pick and choose what goes in there.

Leaflets - $$$

Leaflet design and printing can be quite simple but you will usually find this old school way of canvassing will need large quantities i.e. 500 plus as it can be quite difficult to target with this form of marketing, although still very effective depending on the business.

Letters/Postcards - $$

Postcards and letters are a little more personal if sent by post, however, rather than staying at home printing letters, stuffing envelopes and licking stamps, try using a fulfilment company instead as this sometimes works out cheaper than the stamp itself have a look at as a great example.

Alternatively rather than posting postcards, you could always hand these out to people that we within your demographic i.e. on a Saturday whilst people are shopping in a busy mall/town centre.

3. Go big with billboards

Go for innovative design if you want your billboards to stand out. There’s so much you can do with outdoor advertising, especially if your billboards are located in high traffic areas. It may seem like a big expense since billboard space doesn’t necessarily come cheap, but the exposure is worth it. Make sure your call to action and contact information is printed clearly to make the most out of your small investment.
Quick tips to save money on billboards:
  • Have your vehicles wrapped and turn them into mobile billboards
  • Partner up with a vertical business for a joint campaign and share the costs for a premium billboard
I especially like the mobile billboard idea, but if you don't have a car or drive and think static bill boards are too expensive (which they generally can be) but mobile bill boards are slightly cheaper, why not ask a friend or family member if you can wrap their car or place stickers in their windows - NOTE! Use cars that moves around a fair bit in your target area, there is no point placing signs in cars that stay on the drive 5 days of the week.

If friends and family are not keen, why not ask tradesman/businesses that compliment your service instead. i.e. if you're a solicitor/lawyer you could approach an estate agent to see whether you can place your branding on their cars. They would expect something in return so you could offer to include their branding in the design if you are wrapping the whole car or contribute towards their fuel costs each month, may be an alternative suggestion.

4. Package your products differently
If you’re selling physical goods with a lot of competition, you need to make sure that your product packaging is well thought out. There are many ways you can boost your brand’s exposure on the shelves just by packaging your products differently. You can also give away stickers or branded knick knacks with every purchase of your product so that fans of your brand can help spread the word.
Quick tips to update your product packaging:
  • Incorporate recycled material into your packaging
  • Change the orientation from landscape to portrait
I have to admit I never through packaging made a massive difference however, I have fallen for this many a time as a consumer. It does matter and well thought out packaging and design is the difference between double digit sales and selling items in the 0000s

Here is a prime example, if you go into your generic computer store and buy a PC, you will usually find your purchase consists of a brown  card board box with some black writing on the front. However, if you purchase an Apple product you receive your item packaged in a white box, nicely designed with a lovely picture on the front - which one would you prefer to buy or most importantly, which one do you 'think' gets the most sales.

NOTE as of today Apple share prices are almost double that of Microsoft!

5. Offer group specific discounts

There’s no better way to foster brand loyalty and get your message out there than by throwing a sale. By offering discounts to a specific target market, you’re making clients feel privileged, while boosting leads and sales. Advertise the incentives and you’ll even get the attention of prospective clients who have never heard of you before.
Quick tips to give away great discounts:
  • Offer unique discounts for every appropriate holiday in your calendar
  • Pick out a specific demographic (freshmen, moms, newlyweds) and give them their own sale week  
This is a great way of boosting sales, a friend of mine has a lodge that she rents out per night. On the occasional weekend she has free or has a last minute cancellation she will also offer a last minute discount to those who book the specific dates.
She just has a small business but you see companies like groupon, last etc all offering similar incentives to buy.

6. Celebrate holidays with your clients

Love the holidays? Send out cards and small gifts to clients and use special occasions and milestones to make your presence known. And you don’t have to spend a lot of money celebrating with your customers. A well designed, well thought out personalized greeting or small token can show clients that you care and that they mean something to your brand.
Quick tips to make the holidays memorable for clients:
  • Send out “Happy Anniversary” cards with special discounts to your clients on your store anniversary
  • A few months before Christmas, give away a coupon book that your clients can use for their Christmas shopping at your store
This is such a simple idea that seems to have been forgotten and the most important thing I love about this idea, is it shows you care. Christmas and Easter are generic holidays, but I am a member of one brand that sends me a birthday card every year, ok it is printed generically but when they give me a £5 voucher to spend as a 'gift' I am guaranteed to spend more than £5 in store or online.

Once I was actually 'looking' for things to buy because I received a £5 voucher for a minimum spend of £30 and the item I wanted was much less than the £30 - craziness - but it worked.....come to think about it I don't even think it was my birthday but they did send me a random voucher.

7. Get your own PR team

There’s really no need to put together an in-house PR team for your company; you just need to create relationships with relevant media to get favorable coverage from the local journalists in your area. Go out of your way to get to know them and show them what your brand is about. Get your brand story ready and make sure that it’s newsworthy.
Quick tips to get extra PR power:
  • Invite the press over for an official meet and greet
  • Check online for influential bloggers and send over some products that they can review
Getting close to journalists can be quite difficult, but if you build up over time this is great. So if you work within the property/real estate sector you would send an email/comment to journalists that cover this area and always note down your experience, your business and that you are available for comment at any time.

This works best when you comment on something that has happened in the media and I mean that day because tomorrow would be too late. If a journalist asks you to comment they might just include your website address in the paper also which is great free publicity.

8. Network your way to success

Even with a small business, you can network your way to success. There are countless opportunities to build a business network even in a small town, so make sure that you attend all relevant business activities in your area. Check your listings for local business groups that you can join and actively participate in.
Quick tips to create a strong business network:
  • If your area still doesn’t have a business group, round up some interested business owners and meet up to start a small network
  • Create strategic partnerships with non-competing businesses in your area
Great suggestions and don't forget your marketing material as per item #1 in this article.

9. Participate in trade shows

Attending and participating in trade shows is another way to get more exposure for your business. Whether you’re displaying or selling, you’ll be able to generate quality leads in just a few short days. Make sure that your promotional materials are well suited to your objectives so that you don’t waste valuable time or resources.
Quick tips to make the most out of trade shows:
  • Have a gimmick so that your target market will flock to your booth
  • Give away free product samples or discount codes for every lead you collect
This is a great idea for a business that is already up and running, it may be a bit more costly for new business starting on tighter budget. My sister was selling lockets that could hold various charms and it was a great idea as a gift for bridesmaids so we setup a stand at a local wedding show which was inexpensive and I think cost about £45 for the stand so we just presented everything nicely on the table. There wasn't any need for massive banners or anything but it is worth shopping around.

10. Offer expert advice

As an expert in your chosen field, there are numerous opportunities where you can help people and at the same time get airtime for your business. Try becoming a guest at a local radio show or morning TV show and offer consumer advice that is related to your brand and industry. The trick is to sell an idea or product to your market, without the hard sell.
Quick tips to be the expert:
  • Hold a “free consultation” day at your business
  • Have a section for useful tips on your flyers

Now, you’re ready to take your marketing offline and into the world. Which is your favorite offline marketing strategy?
There are a couple of ways of doing this, you could pay for an advertisement on the radio or if something locally has occurred i.e. like some shocking news that you can provide a service to protect people from the same thing happening to the radio station up and email them and send a short and sweet note saying how you feel about recent events they had reported and how you can help them - is certainly one way of getting your foot through the door.

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